YouTube Vanced APK For PC Latest Version

Vanced Youtube For PC

youtube Vanced APK

Vanced Youtube APK For PC Latest Version

App Name

Vanced Youtube




103 MB



YouTube Vanced APK for PC can be used on Windows. Vanced apk was originally developed as an android app. But if you’re are interested using YouTube Vanced APK on PC, MAC, or Windows 7, 10, 11 and for MAC? PC? Windows? . Then i will provide you the best 100% working and latest version of YouTube Vanced and ReVanced Youtube for windows. Youtube Vanced for pc has all the features of original Youtube, YouTube Premium and some extra premium features free of cost. With its multiple amazing features this inspires a large number of users to use Youtube Vanced for PC latest version on their computers

What is YouTube Vanced APK For PC?

YouTube Vanced is an improved, simpler and features rich version of the original YouTube. YouTube Vanced MOD APK was initially launched for first time in 2017 for Android devices only. Which makes it better than Official app? It includes everything from YouTube and many more premium features free for you like ad-blocking, ad-free browsing, background playback. Ad-blocking is amazing feature users can watch their full video without any disturbing ads in the middle or start of the new videos. We will provide our users here, YouTube Vanced APK for PC Latest version v19.03.39(Official) May 2024 Anit-Ban (Updated)

Another wonderful function of this app is that, this application has mode switching function. Dark mode for users to reduce battery power and eye fatigue. In the original YouTube if you want to watch again any videos, you need to play a video again then you have to click again. But in YouTube Vanced APK has a repeat loop feature. By this feature, the user’s favorite video will play in a loop. One of the best feature of the YouTube Vanced is its background playback. Users while using Vanced Manager can play any video with a pop-up player and then close the application to browse other applications.

YouTube Vanced APK For PC Download latest version

In Vanced apk the video will continue to play in background. This modefied app was developed by Team Vanced, which users can download and use totally free without spending any money. Developer and senior XDA member Rafalete created this App by enhancing the original YouTube app with features, Return YouTube Dislike, and amazing personalized customization options for free. This app is also known as YT Vanced APK. Now we have to explain all features of Vanced Youtube & Vanced Manger in detail.

Download and Install YouTube Vanced For PC

Youtube Vanced was originally created for android operating system but if you wan tot use Vaced YouTube on your PC do not worry. Here i will guide you how to install Vanced YouTube on the PC. I will also discuss some amazing features for YouTube Vanced for PC and also discuss multiple alternative ways of its installation.

If you are looking for installation of Youtube Vanced APK for PC then continue reading with me. I will provide you step by step process of how to download Youtube Vanced for PC.

Why You Should Use YouTube Vanced For PC

It is an amazing app just like Youtube Vanced for android. YouTube Vanced for PC also block unwanted ads. This Vanced apk will also allow you to work on other apps in parallel while listening to your favorite music by PIP feature or Video play in background. Youtube Vanced for PC or windows has same features as on android.

Steps to Download and Install YouTube Vanced on PC

Before you start downloading you should check and keep in mind the capability with your PC. YouTube Vanced on PC only compatible with the windows 7, 8 ,10 and windows 11. But it will be more stable on latest windows 10 and 11.

Now i will guide you step by step to install YT Vanced on PC.

Step # 01

First of all you have to download BlueStacks Emulator. It will allow you to install android apps on windows.

Go to your browser google and search for Bluestack. You can also click on the download button in the below section of Download Bluestacks. Download its installation .exe file from the official website. This will open a large number of possibilities for you to install any android apps on windows.

Step # 02

Now you have to install the .exe file as downloaded in the step#1 from the Bluestacks official website. Double click or Run the installation file and follow on screen instruction process as you can do at installation of with other window app. After completing the installation of Bluestacks you can easily install Youtube Vanced for Pc.

Step # 03

Now you have to download YouTube Vanced APK file from our website. Click on the Download button at the top of this page or below to get the latest version of YouTube Vanced app. Download this apk in the storage of your PC. 

Step # 04

Now install YouTube Vanced. Just go to the APK installation section of Bluestacks Emulator. Drag and drop your downloaded APK file in the installation window. That’s all needed, you have done it.

Congratulations! You have installed Vanced Youtube Apk successfully. 

Step # 05

YouTube Vanced is installed on your PC and you can use it by running on the Bluestacks Emulator.

Step # 06

When you open the app it will show the Welcome message on screen. 

After all steps this will ask to sign-in your Google account. When you sign in your Google account, it will sync your favorite list, watch later videos, subscriptions list. You can use it without any issue and error on PC. 


BlueStacks Emulator For Pc Free Download

Windows 7.0 +Version Bluestack10 Size: 1.3 Mb

If you want to run android Apps on windows you should must have an Emulator. Bluestacks is one best Emulator to run Youtube Vanced apk pro on Pc.You can download Bluestacks Emulator from here easily. Download & install it on your Pc and enjoy Android Apps on your Computer screen.

Alternatives To use YT Vanced APK on Windows 

Anyone who doesn’t want to download Bluestack Emulator to use Youtube Vanced APK, we have some best alternatives for you to use amazing features of Youtube Vanced for PC without installing an emulator. Here are some alternatives:

1 AdGuard extension on Browser

When a user will use a browser to use YouTube to watch content and want to get rid from ads. Install AdGuard extension in the browser to block all ads on Youtube videos but onsite ads remain. When a user installs an AdGuard extension in his Chrome browser he will enjoy his video free from ads.

2-Enhancer for Youtube Extension 

Enhancer for YouTube is an amazing extension that blocks all ads on YouTube content while using YouTube on the browser. This extension will get rid of annoying ads for free and watch your videos without ads.

3-Sponserblock extension for Youtube

This extension will skip sponsor sections of videos on YouTube. This extension will save you a lot of time. By using this stunning extension you will be able to enjoy the sponsor block feature of Youtube Vanced.

4-RYD Youtube Extension

This extension will show hidden dislikes on YouTube content. Your dislike button will appear like YouTube Vanced APK.

Features of Youtube Vanced For PC

Here we are going to describe main features of YouTube Vanced APK:

1. Background-Playback and PIP mode

 This is a stunning feature of Youtube Vanced APK. by this feature users will be able to listen to music while browsing other applications. In the Youtube app if you turn off the screen, the video will pause. But the YouTube Vanced allows you to listen to videos if you lock the screen of your smartphone. It also has Picture in Picture mode. PIP feature is special for students; they can make notes while taking a video lecture. 

2. Ad- Blocking

This feature of YouTube Vanced APK has features that block annoying ads on videos. You can enjoy your content without any ads. This feature will save your time and Internet data.

 3. Swipe Control

Youtube Vanced allows the user to control volume and brightness on the screen while watching videos. Users can swipe on the left side of the screen to increase the brightness and swipe on the right side to control the volume of video.

4. Enhance Video & Audio Quality

YouTube Vanced Apk will enhance the quality of audio and video as compared to the official Youtube.

5. Additional features

YouTube Vanced for Pc also offers some more cool features like, bypass age restriction, Video downloads, Dark mode, and auto video Repeat.

Common Installation Issues:

If anyone face issues during installation of Vanced APK you make sure some steps to:

  • Check your Internet connection. It should be fast and reliable to download the latest YouTube Vanced.
  • Make sure that Windows defender is not blocking the emulator. Some time Defender Blocks the emulator.
  • To install a third party application, disable all antivirus installed on your computer.
  • Make sure your Pc meet with the minimum requirements to install YouTube Vanced for PC.

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions

Is Youtube Vanced for Pc safe to use?

Yes, We have tested it on our systems. It is safe to use but make sure you download it from a trusted source. 

How is Youtube Vanced Apk different from the official YouTube?

YouTube Vanced is providing premium features like ads blocking, Background playback, swipe control and better audio and video quality. That all features are not present in the official Youtube app.

Can I login on my Youtube Channel using Youtube Vanced for PC?

Yes, you can easily login to your account while using YouTube Vanced for pc.

How do I uninstall Youtube Vanced for PC?

 It is straightforward to uninstall, go to the control panel and select “ uninstall a program”. If you are using a Bluestack emulator go to installed apps and uninstall them from the emulator.

What is the difference between Youtube premium and Youtube Vanced?

Youtube Premium offers features like ads blocking, Background playback in paid subscription but Youtube Vanced offer all these features without any cost. It offers much more features than Youtube premium.  

How do I discard Youtube Ads?

If you have the issue of annoying YouTube ads, just install Youtube Vanced apk. It will block all ads.

Is It legal to use YouTube Vanced Apk?

Yes, It is legal to use YouTube vanced apk, but avoid misuse it. Use only for personal purposes.

Can I use Youtube Vanced without rooting my devices?

Yes, you can use YouTube Vacnced APK without rooting your device by installing a non-root version on your device.

Is there a way to get YouTube Vanced to work with Chrome permanently?

I prefer using youtube vanced extension for chrome


We have shared important information about YouTube Vanced APK. We have tried to explain every feature of this app. We highlight some key features like Ads-Blocking, Background Playback and Swipe Control. If you want to use this stunning app on a big screen like a personal computer or laptop you just need to install an emulator to use Youtube Vanced for windows/MAC/PC.
Bluestacks 10 is the best emulator for using android apps on your personal computer. We see that YouTube Vanced Apk for PC is providing a much better viewing experience than the official YouTube app. We hope that our discussed information about this app is helpful for you. If there are any problems while using this app let us know in Contact us form and we will definitely look over it. Goodbye To All!